Lodges meeting in Yatton
Six Lodges meet at The Masonic Hall, High Street, Yatton, Bristol BS49 4DW. From c1890 until the mid 20s the Masonic Hall, then known as Larchmount House was a Private Boarding School for Girls. A fire gutted the building in the early 30’s. In 1935 the Brethren of the Lodge of Agriculture decided to purchase the now derelict building and after extensive renovation it was dedicated as a Masonic Hall on March 16th, 1936. During the Second World War the Ground Floor of the building was requisitioned by the Army although Masonic Meetings still took place in the Lodge Room above.

Lodge of Agriculture No 1199
Meets at 18:30 except as below, on the third Monday (4th Monday April 2014 by dispensation).
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar (Installation 17:00), Apr, May, Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec (18.00)
Warranted in 1867, the first Meeting of the Lodge took place at the Ship and Castle in Congresbury and in 1882 moved to the Railway Hotel in Yatton before finally settling at Yatton Masonic Hall in 1935. The Lodge is one of the largest in Somerset and has sponsored many new Lodges in the Province including St Kew, Coleridge, Tyntesfield, Winscombe and the Yatton Lodge of Hospitality.
The Lodge members were predominately from the farming community, but now our membership has great cross section of members from across our community and trades from employed ,self employed and ex service members which allows for an interesting and diverse conversation especially at our festive boards, which are always a fun and lively affair, if you decide that Freemasonry is for you, The Lodge of Agriculture is a warm and welcoming lodge with members from many walks of life, and you will always be welcome whether you are someone who would just like to find out what Freemasonry is about, or someone looking to join a progressive but traditional lodge which looks to enjoy the company of like minded people, and to support local charities and good causes, as well as national charities. If you would like to know more about The lodge of Agriculture or Freemasonry in general please contact the Lodge Secretary.
If you would like to know more about The lodge of Agriculture or Freemasonry in general please contact the Lodge Secretary.
Visit our Provincial Web page: click here
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Graham Bodman

Winscombe Lodge No 6474
Meets on the second Wednesday at 18:30 except October
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct (Installation 17:30), Nov and Dec
Winscombe Freemasons Lodge was founded in 1947 and meets at Yatton Masonic Hall on the second Wednesday of the month October through to May. The Lodge currently has 26 subscribing members and 5 honorary members. The membership varies in age from 30’s upwards. We come from a variety of backgrounds and have diverse hobbies including Golf, Motor Cycling, Golf, Probus and others.
We pride ourselves on being a very friendly Lodge, enjoying the company of guests and new members alike. Our Festive Board is renowned for its excellent quality and convivial atmosphere. We enjoy working together to deliver ritual and ceremonial to the best of our abilities, which makes for very special evenings for our candidates.
The Lodge values each members support at any level. This can take the form of being very involved in the ceremonies and rituals, being more administratively orientated or simply suggesting and helping to arrange social events – to which family and friends are welcomed.
We wish to build our membership numbers and are keen to welcome candidates and joining members of all ages who want to participate in and contribute to the life and work of the Lodge. If you would like to find out more please do contact our lodge secretary.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Paul Thomson
For our provincial webpage click HERE

Forest of Mendip Lodge No 8019
Regular meetings: The Lodge meets at 1830 on the first Friday after the Third Wednesday during the months of September (Installation), October, November, March, April, May & June.
The Lodge was founded in 1965 and until 2017 met at the unique Temple in Rickford. Unfortunately the cost of upkeep of the building was such that it was decided to move to Yatton Masonic Hall.
The Lodge is fortunate that there is no specific theme regarding membership. We have members from the professions such as architects, solicitors, accountants and police officers as well as company directors and self employed members from auto and building and associated trades.
There is a wide spectrum of hobbies among members ranging from clay pigeon shooting, scuba diving, fishing, motorcycling, golf and musicians.
Our members have various functions where we invite our wives and partners, such as a Sunday Lunch, Breakfast meetings and quiz evenings all carried out at local eateries. We also have a Christmas Lunch with our wives and we always invite the widows of past members. Once a year we have a Ladies evening where the ladies can dress in all of their finery and enjoy being pampered, this normally takes place in a local hotel.
The Forest of Mendip Lodge is a Happy Lodge and we always enjoy the comradeship. We welcome gentlemen of all religions although we are not a religious organisation.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Paul Philcox
Visit our provincial web page Here

Woodspring Lodge No 8791
Meets at 18:30, except October, on the Friday after the second Wednesday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct (Installation 17:30), Nov and Dec
We are a large, friendly lodge warranted in 1977, which aims for a high standard of ritual, encouraging all members to take full and active parts in our ceremonies. We are delighted to welcome new members and visitors. Our after meeting festive boards are lively, good humoured and well supported.
Our programme of social events including those away from the Masonic Hall encourages wives, partners, family members and friends to join in. Our ladies also meet regularly together on lodge nights at varying locations.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Malcolm Behling
Go to Woodspring Lodge Website

Yatton Lodge of Hospitality No 9299
Meets at 18:00 except January and November on the last Friday
Months – Jan (Installation 17:30), Apr, Sep and Nov (17.30)
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Jeff Willis

Sylvanus Lodge No 9741
Meets at 11:00 on the second Saturday
Months – May, Jul and Sep (Installation)
The Lodge is named after the Roman Deity of the Woodlands and by association, one of the Gods of the Hunting field. Membership of the Lodge is open to those Brethren who are involved in or supportive of Hunting, Shooting and Fishing, or just falling off Horses. The Lodge is a Dining Lodge and is overtly supportive of British Farming. Travelling peripatetically throughout the Western Provinces, Masters of Lodges of Agriculture tare invited o attend meetings as guests. The Lodge always specifically dines in style on British game and other produce, usually from West Country farms
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Barry Jones

Disabled Access: Good. Access to ground floor OK and to Temple is by flight of stairs or lift
From A38 at Langford take B3133 to Congresbury, turn right into A370 then left into B3133 for Yatton. From M5 (Northbound) leave at Weston-super-Mare junction 21 and take A370 towards Bristol; after Congresbury bridge turn left into B3133 for Yatton. In main street of Yatton pass shopping precinct and Methodist Church on left hand side of road. MH (70 cars) has somewhat concealed entrance over pavement immediately after the Methodist Church.
From M5 (Southbound) leave at Clevedon junction 20, turn left on B3133 through Kenn to Yatton. MH on right hand side about 275m after crossing railway bridge at station.