The Ancient and Masonic Order of The Scarlet Cord

The current Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord is based on an earlier Order, The Royal Order of Knights of the Scarlet Cord, developed in the British Isles in 1889, which was itself derived from 18th Century documents from the Amsterdam Masonic archives.
One of the youngest and most vibrant in the Masonic Orders.
The Royal Order of the Masonic Knights of the Scarlet Cord was originally founded in 1889 but fell into abeyance in 1929 and remained so until it was revived as part of the Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan around the turn of the century.
The Order proved so popular that it was decided to establish it as an independent Sovereign Order with the title of “The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord in the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas”. The inauguration took place in a magnificent ceremony in the Grand Temple of Freemasons’ Hall, London, on 21st July 2010.

The Order of the Scarlet Cord is governed by the Grand Senatus headed by the Grand Summus, Most Distinguished Companion Ian Stanley Currans, and a full team of Grand Officers. The individual units are termed “Consistories” and, in addition to Provinces throughout the United Kingdom, there are Districts in Asia, the Caribbean, India and Spain.
A close link is maintained with the Order of the Secret Monitor as it is a requirement of admission to the Scarlet Cord that candidates must be members in the Order. There are six “Grades” in Scarlet Cord, each with its own impressive ceremony but the regalia is simple and therefore relatively inexpensive.
Why should I Join?
This Ancient Order builds further on the warmth, companionship and support demonstrated in the Order of the Secret Monitor. You will find great friendship and companionship and you will also discover rituals that are colourful and meaningful. The Order further enhances a Mason’s Masonic experience thus enabling him to grow in masonic knowledge.
Click 🌐 for the National website of The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord