Travelling Trowel 2024 – 2026
Travelling Trowel Programme
The Somerset Travelling Trowel Scheme – Introduced in 2012 as an attempt to foster closer links by encouraging fraternal visits between Lodges. It has proved very popular with Lodge members.
The aims of the scheme:
1. To encourage a wider sphere of visiting between Somerset lodges and increase masonic links and friendships.
2. To bring the Province closer together by fostering a spirit of mutual support and fraternity.
3. To encourage less experienced Masons to visit other Lodges.
4. The scheme will also help to support those Lodges that are perhaps small in Membership as well as those who receive relatively low numbers of visitors.
Visits to Installation Meetings will be avoided so that Master Mason will feel free to join in.
The commitment for each Lodge will be to undertake one visit every two years.
How does the Programme work?
The Province is split into five groups largely depending on geographic location from 2020 onwards (A,B,C,D & E), each with between 12 and 20 Lodges, and each with its own Trowel. Lodges are allocated to a group and each group will, over time, encompass all of the local Lodges in their area of the Province through their visits. To find when and where your Lodge will be visiting just click on your Lodge from the list below.
The Presenting Lodge will send a Deputation of as many Brethren as it can muster to support their Worshipful Master who will formally present the Trowel in Open Lodge. The presenting Lodge will be formally greeted by the receiving Lodge and the presentation will be an Item of Business on the Summons “To receive the Travelling Trowel from the Worshipful Master and brethren of XYZ lodge.”
The Presentation will be made using a specific form of words which it is hoped the WM will be able to learn and recite, the document also contains the protocol to be followed for presentations. Before handing over the Trowel, the Master should enter his name and the number of Brethren accompanying him on the record sheet that will accompany the Travelling Trowel.
Please Note:
The Brethren of the presenting Lodge will be expected to pay for their own meals. The Secretary of the Visiting Lodge, or a Brother allocated by the Secretary should make sure that the host Lodge is informed in good time of the number attending and any special dietary requirements of Visiting Brethren. If a Brother books in and fails to turn up the Visiting Lodge will be responsible for the dining fee.
Download the procedure and words here