Information for Lodge Mentors and Personal Mentors

Craft Mentoring
Welcome to the website for Masonic Mentors. I have said before that it has to be right to explain to a brother what he has joined and to help him enjoy his masonry so that he wants to contribute to its future.
The logical result from this is that, not only will he feel involved in the life of his Lodge, but he will feel confident to discuss Freemasonry with his family and friends. This website provides a huge amount of material which is a valuable resource for any mentor and I am grateful to those brethren who have given the product of their work freely for the benefit of others. The content is continually being added to as new work is being added, which proves that mentoring is a dynamic process throughout the Craft.
From the Pro Grand Master, Peter Lowndes.
Provincial Resources
Membership & Mentoring
The Membership and Menroring team is here to assist Lodges to increase their membership and to enable brethren to improve their knowledge of Freemasonry, this includes mentoring at all levels. The team can help Lodges to implement the Members’ Pathway and to access and use Solomon.
For more details, please visit the Provincial Membership & Mentoring page
The Education team coordinates and delivers all manner of Masonic education, including discussions, demonstrations, and presentation / orations / lectures.
For details on what the team has to offer and to book the team, please visit the Provincial Education page