Craft Membership Challenge Visits
The visits will be headed by either the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master or one of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, accompanied by a Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies or a Provincial Grand Steward who will act as Provincial DC for the evening. They will also be accompanied by Members of the Membership Development Team, other Members of the Provincial Team and Members of The Provincial Royal Arch Chapter Team.
The object of the visit is to help the Brethren understand the Pro Grand Master’s Membership Challenge and how this relates specifically to their Lodge. We will discuss the help available from UGLE and the Province to enable brethren of the Lodge to plan the way ahead in order to meet the Membership Challenge.
For more information, please see this document –> Membership Challenge Protocol
Members of the Provincial team are most welcome. Please book in via email to Nathan Henderson at
The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 & Beyond – This links to the Grand Lodge website for more detail about the strategy with insight into and examples of the progress made so far.
The document below details the number of members belonging to each Craft Lodge in the Province for the years ending 2008, 2013, 2018 and 2023. You can use the figures to see how your Lodge is fairing, these will help you consider what action is required.