Royal Arch Somerset Sceptre
The Somerset Sceptre was donated to the Province at the Provincial Convocation in May 2023 by E Companion Frank Silver. It replaces the original Sceptre that was a smaller version but not a Principals one. E Comp Frank made this Sceptre in the form of a First Principals, which is to be used by the First Principal of the Chapter whilst it is held by them until it is passed to the next Chapter.
Presentation of the Somerset Sceptre
Presentation to be carried out immediately after Matters Arising and after entrance of visiting Principal or Representative .
Chapter DC will invite Companions of Visiting Chapter to process to a point in front of receiving Principals.
Delegation MEZ – Most Excellent, I have great pleasure in presenting to you the Somerset Sceptre. It is a First Principal’s Sceptre of a Royal Arch Chapter which historically has long been used as a symbol of delegated authority. Please consider this Sceptre as an emblem of the companionship that exists within the Royal Arch and whilst it remains in your Chapter’s possession you may use it to remind you and your Companions to foster greater friendships between your companions and guests.
The Sceptre has now been entrusted to this Chapter and I now present it into your safe keeping; and further inform you that you are charged to deliver it to the Principals of the (Insert Name and Number of Chapter) at (Insert Town Name) on the (Insert Date) accompanied by as many companions as possible, with the aim that on the evening, you will be happily renewing old companionships and fostering new ones.
Receiving MEZ – Replies accordingly