Tyntesfield 4494 Royal Arch Chapter Meeting 14th December 2023
On Thursday 14th December, Tyntesfield Chapter held its 139th meeting.
The meeting started in a sombre manner with eulogies for Ex Comps Frank Clarke and Ray Pearce. Followed by various ballots for honorary membership, proposed exaltees and some admin matters, plus installing all officers absent at the installation meeting in September.
The primary business of the evening was to Exalt Bro Adrian Mayes of Tyntesfield Lodge. The Principals (E Comp Richard Ellis as Z, E Comp David Maddern as H and E Comp Bob Paice as J) and Sojourners provided a great ceremony, with Comp Stewart Galway entrusting the candidate and carrying out his duties as 2nd Assistant Sojourner with Aplomb. Comp Steve Collings took over and completed his 1st Assistant Sojourner part with confidence and handed over to Comp Mark Wilcox who delivered his Principal Sojourner part with sincerity and integrity.
The Address to the Candidate was given by E Comp Richard Reeve. The signs were presented by E Comp Martin Slocombe, The Mystical Lecture was presented by the three Principals – E Comp Richard Ellis, E Comp Bob Paice and E Comp David Maddern.

The Chapter was closed in peace and harmony and the companions adjourned for a Festive Board with a lovely warming chef’s homemade soup; Turkey roast with seasonal vegetables followed by Cheese board / Coffee, again up to the normal excellent Nailsea standard.
A very enjoyable evening was had by all. The next convocation will be an exaltation on Thursday 8th February 2024. As always visitors will receive a normal Tyntesfield welcome.