c1199Royal Arch Provincial News

3 Into 1 Does Go

At the December meeting of Wrington Vale Chapter, it was agreed to have a raffle with the Proceeds going to North Somerset young carers service, who look after children from the age of 6 to 18 and some adults who themselves are carers for someone in their family, whether it is a sibling or parent, the total they raised was £130.
The carers are referred to them via the children’s schools or other agencies, they are funded in a small way by North Somerset council which helps with wages, but for other events such as taking the children to the pictures, theatre or other activities are funded by voluntary donations, the carers need to be given a break and so any money raised helps.
In January W.Bro Danny Kennedy was talking to me about a visit he had made to a Bristol pantomime where he saw a group of young children sat in front of him sharing a bag of sweets, Danny spoke to the lady in charge and found they were all young carers on a day out, Danny and others in his party bought them all an ice cream, he then decided on raising money at the Burns night held in Weston M.H. They raised £1,026.
Danny was talking to his friend and fellow Mason Mike Dew who is a Grand Master in Taekwondo who at their February event hold a raffle, they raised the sum of £1,500.
The three of us visited the base of the young carers and presented the money to them.
Laura Argrave a carers service team manager was amazed at the amount of money we had all raised, and stated that the young carers would be able to take part in lots of events.

left to right, Sarah carers support, Ray Beckingham, Sian (my granddaughter) seniors young carers co ordination, Laura, Danny Kennedy and Natasha carers service team managers.
Mike Dew and his wife Pat donating their cheque.

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