Lodges meeting in Shepton Mallet
Only one Lodge meets at Shepton Mallet, in the Crossways Hotel, North Wootton BA4 4EU

The Crossways Hotel is a beautiful 18th Century Building and is home to Love and Honour Lodge. The Lodge Meets in a converted room in the basement of the hotel and dines there afterwards
Love and Honour Lodge No 285
Meets at 18:30 except May on the third Wednesday
Months – Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May(Installation 17:00), Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec
Love and Honour is one of the oldest Lodges in Somerset and was originally Warranted in 1792. It previously met at St Sales Convent before moving to it’s current location at the Crossways Hotel in North Wootton which provides superb dining facilities, and the bar is a focal point for socialising before and after our meetings. .
Love and Honour 285 has a well-deserved reputation for its hospitality and welcome. Described as a vibrant, Knowledgeable, and fun Lodge. The demographic is good, with members ranging in age from mid-thirties upwards and the camaraderie within the Lodge members is excellent.
We have a growing and active membership, the total currently standing at 64 with a regular monthly attendance of over 30 members. We also have an enthusiastic and successful Lodge of Instruction for the benefit of our new brethren.
We have a full social events programme including the annual formal Ladies Night, Christmas party and summer skittles league. Some of the events are driven by the Future of Our Lodge team and complemented by the WM’s planned activities for the year. Other events can include casino nights, skittles events, summer bike rides and more activities are planned.
We support a wide range of charities through regular giving, raffles, alms collections and special fund-raising events. There is a focus on charitable donations within the local community and within Somerset.
If you would like to know more about our lodge please contact our secretary.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Steve Ruddock

From North follow A39 through Wells towards Glastonbury, 1⁄2 mile outside Wells turn left at Brownes Nurseries, signed North Wootton
From South reverse direction from Glastonbury. From East follow A361 towards Glastonbury, 1⁄2 mile Glastonbury side of Pilton turn right signed North Wootton .The Crossways is in centre of village, on road to Pilton