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The Centenary Dedication of Clevedon Masonic Hall – 10th April 2024

On Wednesday 10th April 2024, the Clevedon Masonic Hall reached a milestone, having been in use by Clevedon Freemasons for 100 years, and to mark the occasion was dedicated in what was an impressive and truly unforgettable manner.

This being such momentous event, the dedicating officers were none other than the heads of orders of the various degrees meeting at Clevedon, in the persons of Right Worshipful Brother Raymond Guthrie, The Provincial Grand Master for Somerset and the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Right Worshipful Brother Philip Voisey, The Provincial Grand Master for the Mark degree, and Very Illustrious Brother Clive Lambert, Inspector General of Rose Croix in Somerset.

The event was held on the same day as the April meeting of Coleridge Lodge, No 1750, the officers of which has opened and called off early in the day so that the lodge could be called back on for the dedication itself. During the dedication the hall was stretched to capacity, with representatives of all of the Masonic units meeting at Clevedon being present, and replacing Coleridge lodge officers for the ceremony itself. The Craft Provincial team were also present to assist with, and to ensure that everything carried on according to plan…. Which it was.

The organizing team in general did an incredible job of arranging the event, but especial thanks must go to Very Worshipful Brother D John Bennett, who’s drive, enthusiasm and downright dogged ability to persuade undoubtedly made this the very special and memorable event it was.

For full details of the day and dedication ceremony, please see the report below.

Note: To mark the event, John also published a book on Freemasonry in Clevedon and Portishead, copies of which are still available at the time of publishing this article, for  just £30.00. If you would like to purchase a copy please Email

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