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Radio Bath Promoting Somerset Freemasonry’s PSA Screening Programme

Radio Bath’s Paul Mallon welcomes Adrian Robson and Roy Short onto his show to help promote Prostate Cancer awareness and the Somerset Freemasonry PSA Screening programme. 

Roy was diagnosed with having prostate cancer back in 2018 following an initial PSA test, Roy was however showing no effects of having any issues with his prostate and only went for a test following an after dinner presentation being given on prostate cancer where he was encouraged to go and have a test done, so together with a little insistence from his wife, he eventually had the test which showed a higher than usual level of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Following further scans and a subsequent biopsy, he was diagnosed with having prostate cancer and within just a few weeks found himself undergoing a radical prostatectomy procedure to remove his prostate.

Roy has no doubt that by having the PSA test done has saved his life, he said that having it diagnosed and caught in its early stage, highlights the importance of having PSA screening and believes that we should have a national screening programme made available.  

Adrian was able to provide information to the Radio Bath listeners on the recently launched PSA screening events in conjunction with the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust being held in Keynsham and Taunton Masonic Halls and that both these events were not only open to Freemasons, but to all men from the age of 40 years of age and he encouraged them to visit the Somerset Freemasons website and to book themselves in.  

For more information and to book a PSA test:

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