Annual Provincial Meeting 2025Provincial News

Somerset’s Provincial Annual Meeting, 2024.

Thursday 4th April 2024, at the Webbington Hotel near Axbridge, Somerset, some 600 Freemasons from Somerset, including representation from every Lodge in the Province (the first time for several years) as well as distinguished guests, representing 12 other Provinces, met for the ever-popular Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset’s (PGLS) Annual Meeting, where the Provincial Grand Master (PGM) for Somerset, R.W. Bro. Ray Guthrie led proceedings, ably assisted by the officers of his 2023/24 Provincial Team, many of whom were, that day, closing out their very enjoyable and successful year of supporting the PGM throughout the year’s packed programme of meetings right across Somerset, and beyond!

The commitment, hard work and exemplary ritual displayed by the 2023/24 PGLS Team members was certainly equalled by the great sense of fun and good humour, not only enjoyed by themselves but also by the Masters and Brethren of the numerous Lodges they visited. An excellent twelve months, which the incoming active Provincial Team will all have witnessed, in part, and no doubt will aspire to equal, or even better during their year!

The business contained within the fulsome agenda was dealt with expediently, yet empathetically, by the PGM, and included the appointment of Somerset’s new Assistant PGM, Russ Woodland, together with numerous other well-deserved appointments and promotions, after which, over 400 Brethren enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the Festive Board lunch.

Ray’s address to the Brethren was very well received and is reproduced below, together with many photos from the event, captured by Provincial Photographer, Bro. Les Pickersgill.

Congratulations and thanks are due to all those Masons and Webbington Hotel staff who played a part in planning and executing all aspects of this year’s Annual Meeting, which was a great success.

Here is Ray’s address to the Brethren

Article by Andy Baird and Ian Evans, Pictures courtesy of Les Pickersgill.

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