Royal Arch News
Taunton Deane Chapter December Convocation
On Tuesday 5th December Taunton Deane Chapter no 5221 held the December Convocation to Exalt Bro Mihai Dinga into the Holy Royal Arch.

He was Exalted according to strict Aldersgate working and after the ceremony he was joined by the 3 Principals Z. E. Comp. Steve Parsons, H. E Comp. James Holiday and E. Comp. Tony Beaumont for the customary photograph.
* Companions assisted E. Comp Holiday in presenting the Symbolical Lecture and E. Comp. Peter Ashby presented the Mystical Lecture.
After the ceremony the Companions adjourned for an excellent meal of Smoked Salmon followed by Sausages and Mash supplied by Pyne”s of Somerset.
Comp. Mihai’s toast was proposed and Mihai responded by thanking the Chapter for admitting him.