A busy evening at King Alfred Chapter
25th March was a busy evening at King Alfred Chapter in Weston -super-Mare with a Provincial Fraternal Visit to show off the Savage Ritual. Not only was the Candidate Bro. Steve Reece in for an enjoyable evening, most of the Chapter members and visitors from across the province and beyond were able to watch the Provincial Team, under the direction of Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Ray Guthrie, take over and work it’s magic with an impeccable ceremony to introduce Companion Reece to the mysteries of the Order.
As well as visitors from across Somerset, The Chapter was able to welcome a small team from the Province of Monmouthshire who wished to see this new variation of the Royal Arch Ritual in practice. But that’s not all, with a little encouragement from Province, Tony Wilsher-Day organised an evening in the bar for Master Masons to attend and find out more about the Royal Arch.
With all this going on, both Companions and Master Masons needed refreshment, so the Chapter, with the help of the Catering Team at Weston pulled out a few stops and over 80 of us sat down to an excellent meal in a packed dining room.
Article submitted by Simon Sparkes