A Tourist Triumph for Bath!
The Old Theatre Royal (aka Bath Masonic Hall) and Museum Tours have had a successful year so far, culminating in receiving the TripAdvisor “Travellers’ Choice 2023”.

Like all tourist attractions, they suffered from a post-COVID lull, sometimes going for a whole week without visitors. They were also languishing on the second page of the TripAdvisor listings: there is a saying in Cyber Space, “the best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of your search results!” Thanks to the volunteer guides and an increase in Social Media activity, they are now attracting more visitors. In addition, they are hovering around on the first page of the TripAdvisor listing of “Top Attractions in Bath”.
On one occasion, they even peaked at 2nd place in the tourist hit parade!
It cannot be stressed enough that none of this would be possible without the application and dedication of the volunteers. Volunteering is a Masonic stock-in trade (an active principle of universal benevolence and charity, no less), but not only volunteering in the “outside world”, but also within the Fraternity. Bath Masonic Hall would not survive without the work of a small group of dedicated volunteers. However, they could always benefit from more; and the more people who volunteer, the less time each would have to devote, and the less work they would need to undertake!

So, if you can help, in any small way, to the running and maintenance of your Masonic Hall, please, please, please volunteer. “Every little helps” as the Supermarket slogan, stolen from an old adage, has it!
To register your interest please email: enquiries@oldtheatreroyal.com
For more information: https://oldtheatreroyal.com/museum/guided-tours/