Helping the Community
As a way of helping the community the Forest of Mendip lodge, and the Clevedon Hub, at Clevedon masonic centre decided to help the Curzon cinema in Clevedon, this is a private cinema run by the a management team and a very large number of volunteers. The cinema is a charity.
A couple of months ago they started to raise money to purchase a defibrillator and to train staff. W.Bro Ray Beckingham liaised with the C.E.O. Andrew Caddy to help with this but found that they had raised the money within a very short time, and were now were moving on to a large project, putting in a lift to help disabled people to get to the balcony area.
After talking to members of the Forest of Mendip Lodge it was agreed to donate £500.
Ray then spoke to Neil Hurcum who runs the Clevedon Hub and it was agreed to have a raffle at the St George’s lunch.
After further discussion it was agreed to split the raffle money between “Stand up to Cancer” W.Bro John Morgan was raising money for this charity. Just under £400 was raised in the raffle and it was made up to £400 by the club.
On Thursday 25 th April I attended the cinema, in the company of W.Bro s Paul Philcox, secretary and W.Bro Barry Goodyer, treasurer of the Forest of Mendip. Where we presented the cheque for FOM, I presented the cheque for the Clevedon hub.
Andrew Caddy showed us with Paul’s wife and mine around the cinema explaining all the work to be carried out in the future. He as very pleased with the donations.