Old Golfers Never Die
Worshipful Brother Ian White who was a member of King Alfred Lodge No 3169 sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above in December 2022.
Ian’s Widow, Christine, passed his golf clubs to Brother Peter Holder, Almoner of Else Mark Lodge No102 where Ian was active and Master in 1989, Peter in turn passed them to Fairway Lodge 9251 of which keen golfer Ian White was a founder member back in 1987, we were in the process of deciding on the best way to use them for good.
In early 2023 a Facebook post by Care Worker/Activities assistant Becky Trego alerted us to Worcester Lodge Nursing Home requesting golf clubs for two old golfers to be able to use a local driving range for activity time. Becky took delivery recently and has sent us a photo with a happy golfer ready to go.
Perhaps if anyone knows of any old golfer/sportsman with age related issues such as mobility or memory issues this is a great way to give them some happy time.
We would like to thank Paul Burns for sharing this story.