From the Deputy’ Desk……..
Brethren all,
I trust you have all enjoyed the Easter break following our usual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting, held 7 April. May I take this opportunity to thank all those who attended, well over 400, which indicates we are, thankfully, getting back to normality and regularity of things following a difficult time for us all.

There have been some organisational changes following the PGL meeting. We welcome APGM Tony Guthrie and thank PAPGM Martin Slocombe for his past five years service. We are thankful that Martin will remain Head of Membership Development and continue to lead on Pathway and communication initiatives.
Tony and APGM Richard Winter will lead Fraternal Visits and are available to you for informal contact in Areas that divide the province to the West of the M5 motorway (but including those meeting at Nailsea and Yatton Masonic Hall) with Richard, and to the East with Tony. Please feel free to contact them for support.
Organisation of provincial ceremonial matters now sit with Deputy DCs under the direction of our ProvDC Barry Macormack. So the Senior Deputy DC, at present Jon Mansell, will coordinate provincial team visits, whilst Junior Deputy DC Garry Sharp will do the same for provincial fraternal visits.
We are always grateful for those happy to become involved in helping the province function. At present I’m on the lookout for a Director of Music to organise and lead the Provincial Choir, as without there will currently be no availability. In addition if you enjoy administration then an Assistant Editor for compiling the year book will also be welcome. Just be in touch to express your interest.
Do enjoy the coming months as we move toward the summer break, and get ready for the usual Masonic season starting in September! There will be a secretaries meeting in late August, anticipated to take place at the Webbington to help with anticipated attendance numbers – watch this space!
Meantime, yours sincerely and fraternally,