In Memoriam
E.Comp. Barry Keith Woodside
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent
In and Over the Province of Somerset

The funeral of our late Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. Barry Keith Woodside, took place on Tuesday the 14th of September at St. John the Evangelist’s Church, Truro. A church of great significance to Barry and his family over many years.
The congregation included 19 from Somerset, as well as Graham Glazier (the Grand Superintendent of Dorset) and his wife Gail, accompanied by other Companions from Dorset; David Pascoe (the Grand Superintendent of Cornwall) accompanied by other Companions from Cornwall; and even Companions from as far afield as Berkshire.
The service was a very moving tribute to Barry’s life and included a wonderful eulogy from his son Paul, who also read a deeply moving tribute from Barry’s dear wife Peggy.
Following the service the immediate family attended a private cremation ceremony, and then we all assembled at Trennick Mill for refreshments and a chance to share our memories of Barry, before embarking on our journey home.
The day was a very poignant and fitting tribute to Barry – our late Grand Superintendent.
Fraternal Best Wishes
Clive Lambert

A memorial service has been arranged at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Church Square, Hammett Street, Taunton TA1 1SA on Wednesday 13th October at 1500 hrs.
We hope a large number of Somerset Companions will be able to attend to celebrate Barry’s life.
please advise your Scribe E. if you are attending the service.