Clevedon Masonic CentreCovid_19Masonic Charitable FoundationSMC Charity Events

Clevedon Hub NHS day Charity Lunch

To celebrate the inaugural NHS, Social care and Frontline Workers day, the Clevedon Masonic Hub served up its own Charity Lunch, in a socially distanced setting attended by 29 local masons and family and friends.

The Dish of the Day was certainly enjoyment and a charity with a fantastic £700 raised to go to the NHS Charities Together and Nation Care Association. The charity raffle well supported by local businesses as wells local Freemasons, and even a table of Clevedon Bowlers!

The lunch had some very important guests, W.Bro Martin Slocombe APGM and W.Bro Keith Baker PrSGW along with the Second Provincial Grand Principal E Comp ray Beckingham and the Past Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Bennett along with their wives and friends gave the function huge support.

E Comp Ray Beckingham commented

Once again we thank Neil and Zena and the girls for putting on another fantastic meal, I am afraid it is bread and Jam for tea tonight, but I have done just over 7,000 steps today so some of it might have worn off.”

Following lunch a minutes silence, followed by the familiar applause was observed in recognition of those lost to the pandemic and our thanks to all those who have worked tirelessly to enable events such as the lunch to take place.

Through various Hub events over the past year the sum raised yesterday has taken charitable donations to nearly £1400, to which we are extremely grateful to the regulars for their constant support.

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