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 On The Edge

Lincolnshire Freemason, Chris Jones, set off from Skegness on New Year’s Day 2023 to walk the entire UK coastline to raise money for the Masonic Charitable Foundation , the Lincolnshire 2025 Festival, and also to raise awareness of mental health issues.

Saying goodbye to his family

When he was having some problems a few years ago, the MCF was the only agency to provide him with tangible and helpful support.

So now his challenge is to raise £100,000 for the MCF on the walk, which he feels will take at least two years.

As he comes to the West Country, he would be delighted if people join him on the walk, sponsor him or just post messages of support on his blog. 

Click this link to his story: his fundraising page: and details of his blog:

Anyone can join him and it would really give him a boost. He’s also keen to visit Lodges on the way too. Chris has already received magnificent support along the north-east coast, around Scotland and down through Cumberland and Westmoreland, West Lancs, Cheshire, North Wales, West Wales, and, most recently, South Wales.

How you can help:

1.      Follow his blog and offer supportive comments at the link above

2.      Sponsor him at his MCF giving page here: (which explains more background)

3.      Ring him and walk with him for part of his journey

4.      Generate interest from the media.

To contact Chris, ring 07979 778176; email; or post messages on Facebook or his blog.

Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated.

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