This appeal is to help under privileged young people achieve their Duke of Edinburgh award.
During the period 2016 to 2018 the Somerset Masonic Charity funded a three year bursary of £16,500 to the Somerset DofE scheme to help under privileged young people achieve their DofE goals.
Following the passing of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro David Medlock, has opened an appeal to Somerset Freemasons that will again support our local Duke of Edinburgh scheme. The DPGM, VW Bro Ben Batley, sits on the committee for the Somerset Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme and is in full support of this appropriate appeal. The appeal will be coordinated by the Somerset Masonic Charity. The SMC has also agreed to match fund donations from brethren and Lodges has been agreed with the charity up to a total amount of £5,000.
Every £200 we can donate will help one under privileged youngster achieve their D of E award.
D of E Appeal – A Reflection – Our new Provincial Secretary, Mike Greedy explains how the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme helped him.
This Duke of Edinburgh Award Appeal stirred up many happy memories of the early 1970’s when I took part in the scheme and attained the Gold award. At that time there were three parts to qualifying, Community Service for a year, taking up a hobby or sport and working towards a final three-day expedition involving three nights under canvas and map reading to a pre-planned route, 75 miles around Dartmoor for our Group in March. We experienced every type of weather over the three days, but got through it. My public service was carried out over 18 months, volunteering to work with the Emergency Ambulance crews on shift and this was a life-enhancing experience, being exposed to the full range of their duties out on the ground.
It took nearly three years to complete the process and culminated in the Award being presented by the Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace. The scheme was instrumental in building my confidence, character and resilience, in a way that I probably would not have done, had I not taken part. In terms of developing Team and Leadership skills, it is second to none. For the scheme to still be going strong is fantastic and with your support, long may that be the case.
Mike Greedy Provincial Secretary
To make a donation
- Digital Donations can be made by using the camera on your mobile phone to scan the QR code. When you phone recognises the code you will be prompted to enter your payment details.
- Cheque made payable to “The Somerset Masonic Charity” and sent to: Graham Puddy, 1 Abbots Close, Burnham on Sea, Somerset, TA8 1RB.
- Bank transfer payments to: HSBC The Somerset Masonic Charity Sort code: 40 44 04 Account number: 31850288
Please quote “DofE (Lodge number or Surname for individual donations)” as the payment reference. - A transfer from your Lodge Relief Chest to The Somerset Masonic Charity Relief Chest is also available and you need to quote relief chest number E0036.