Clevedon Hub – Lunch in November – Poppy lunch on the 11th
Update: To comply with Covid-19 rules, the Hub will close after lunch on Wednesday 4th November.
Neil, Zena and the team would like to thank everyone for their support over recent months.
Update – Poppy Day Lunches have now sold out
As November Sunday lunches sold out so quickly, the Hub has decided to run a midweek Sunday lunch, on Nov 11th, Poppy Day, and will donating £3 from every booking to the Poppy Appeal. A donation box will be available, and the team hope to have items from the Clevedon pop up “Poppy Shop” available in to sell.
A magnificent £300 was raised at the last charity function. Let’s hope that we get close to this amount on the 11th.
The hub plan on running festive Christmas lunches throughout December, starting on the Wednesday’s 2nd & 16th. Details will follow.

Lodge “social” bookings are most welcome and are working well. As can be seen, Tennyson Lodge thoroughly enjoyed eating out on the 23rd November. Sir Isaac Newton Lodge are visiting on 3rd December , and bookings have arrived from Estune Lodge, and the Knights Templar Bodyguard. The Forest of Mendip Lodge are also considering making a booking. The Hub also wishes to thank Masons from WSM, and the widows from Clevedon and the surrounding areas for their continued support.