Tennyson Lodge 4947 Master A Class Of Instruction

Tennyson Lodge 4947 invited the Worshipful Master and newly initiated Brothers of Gordano Lodge 6244 to their monthly class of instruction, as they both meet at Clevedon Masonic Hall. With both Tennyson and Gordano having an influx of new members, it seemed a great way to engage them in the Craft.
It’s an opportunity for the Entered Apprentices (1st degree) and Fellow Crafts (2nd degree) to ask questions of the more experienced Craftsmen. Worshipful Brother Andy Grey gave a talk on the history of Masonry and some of the symbolism the new masons would have come across in their ceremonies.

They then took the opportunity to practice some 1st Degree Ritual, allowing the new brethren to practice and perfect what they’ve been taught by their lodge mentors. A truly magnificent day, everyone thoroughly enjoyed being in each others company and members from both Lodges will be continuing to meet, practice and discuss the craft.
The Class of instruction is held on the first Saturday of the month at Clevedon Masonic Hall. Details can be obtained by contacting: tennysonlodge4947@gmail.com