Lodge NewsTaunton Masonic Centre

The PGM Challenges Old Aluredian Lodge 7724

At their May regular meeting, the Old Aluredians were honoured by the presence of the PGM Ray Guthrie. The purpose of his visit was to present the Membership Challenge to the Lodge to assist their development of the Lodge membership and his presentation proved both interesting and thought-provoking, as Old Aluredian continues to transform itself from a school-based to a more ‘open’ Lodge.

The PGM also kindly presented W.Bro Michael St John French with his 50 year Veterans Certificate with an interesting commentary on Michael’s 53 years in Freemasonry in Craft and also Royal Arch, Rose Croix to name but two other Degrees. Finally after giving the PGM a brief break while the Lodge carried out some housekeeping, including voting for two new joining members, the PGM completed his busy afternoon in the Temple by presenting Bro Joshua Seymour, the newest Master Mason, with his Grand Lodge Certificate.

Later that afternoon, a very enjoyable Festive Board provided by Taunton Masonic Hall’s resident caterer (5* Karen) was enjoyed by all.

Report by: Garry Holman – 7724 Secretary

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