Showmen’s Guild Take Over
On Tuesday of this week 2 founder members of the Showmens guild lodge 9089, Wbro Alan Jenkinsn (dad) and his father in law Wbro Tommy Rowland assisted Wbro Alan Jenkins (son) also a past master of the Showmens guild to Raise Wbro Alans Younger son Bro Ben Jenkins in tremendous fashion at the Peace and Harmony Lodge 496 who meet in St Austell in Cornwall. The WM graciously gave up his chair for the night in what was an exceptional ceremony and with one very big surprise which I will not divulge but surfice to say this temple is only on of 2 in Cornwall who can do this type of rising, very much a must see for any mason. Wbro Alan (Dad) took the role of Sn Deacon for the evening and took his son round in flawless fashion with his son Wbro Alan in the chair.
Bro Ben on this evening received 2 exceptional pieces of ritual, his father first delivered the traditional history in the usual Showmen’s Guild style, but the show stopper was the walking charge, a piece of ritual not often seen delivered flawlessly by W.Bro Alan (son) from one brother to another in one of the most emotional deliveries I have ever seen. We cant wait to welcome Bro Ben when he comes up from Cornwall to visit us in Clevedon at the Showmens Guild Lodge 9089.