Lodge News

16 Somerset Freemasons take a trip to Cornwall.

Tony Saunter of Tynte Lodge, arranged the annual trip to Tintagel, to witness the installation of their New Master at The King Arthur Lodge. Tony not only arranges the whole day he also drives the minibus as well!

Setting off at 10.15 from Bridgwater the motley crew of 14 Somerset Masons had a brief stop at Taunton, to pick up two more, to complete the 16, including Ian Moore, who always finds it difficult to get out of Langport, as he claims it is the centre of the known Universe and the Sat Nav always tries to take him back there! There were representatives from all three Bridgwater Lodges, as well as Weston, Burnham, Nailsea, Langport and Ilminster, as Masonry should be – good friends and great company, not just from their own Lodge.

Tony then drove down to Tintagel, stopping for the usual Cornish Pasties on the way, which were consumed in glorious sunshine!

It was Pasty O’clock

Arriving in Tintagel at about 1.30 they were all welcomed and dropped of the cases etc at the hall before making the long walk (100 yards) to the King Arthur pub, where several drinks were consumed (only because it was hot!).

The meeting started at 15.30, with over 100 Masons from all over the country, including those from over the border in Scotland, Somerset, Devon, Hampshire, Berkshire to name but a few. The Cornish Provincial team were also in attendance, including the DPGM, APGM, Past DPGM, both Wardens and many others.

Following the meeting 95 brethren then went on to the Mill House, for a sumptuous meal and great company, the posse finally leaving at 10pm and not getting back until late. A great day was had by all and everyone thanked Tony for his hard work.

If you haven’t been to King Arthur Lodge, it is really well worth the visit, the stone to build the Hall came from three different local quarries and the Arthurian theme is carried on throughout.

Article and Pictures courtesy of Ian Evans.

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