c3158Royal Arch Chapter NewsTaunton Masonic Centre

Once, Twice, Threes Times As Z for Ken At Chapter Of St George

Above (L-R) Mike Meatyard-H , Rod Green-IPZ , Ken Clarke-Z & Peter Russell-J

It was a bitter-sweet occasion for The Chapter of St George 3158, Taunton at their May installation ceremony. Unfortunately, their Z elect E Comp Mike Marshall was unable to progress into the Chair at this time and it has been a torrid time over the past 8 months or so for Mike with ongoing health problems and deteriorating strength. About 3 weeks prior, Mike finally admitted that he would be unable to fulfil his Chapter ambition this year; he was deeply upset about this but hopefully he can proceed next year as his health hopefully improves. E Comp Ken Clarke stated he would step up and ‘keep the chair warm’ for Mike; his was much appreciated by the Chapter, since it will be the 3rd time in 5 years that Ken has taken the office of Z. The Chapter was also very pleased to welcome E Comp Alan Holton as the Provincial Representative. E Comp Rod Green the outgoing Z welcomed E Comp Alan and noted that it had been many years since the Chapter had had the pleasure of his company.

The Chapter was pleased to welcome as a joining member E Comp Neal Hansley, a Kentish Mason who is now living in Somerset and is presently the Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St George. With several changes of officers this year, a special mention was given to E Comp John Rudge who stood down after 14 years as both ADC and DC of the Chapter. E Comp Rod thanked John at the Festive Board for his years of dedicated work for the Chapter, noting that he hadn’t quite finished his work as he is now organising the new revised Chapter Ritual book.

Although, as mentioned above it was so disappointing that E Comp Mike was unable to be with us, the Chapter feels sure he would have been proud of the ceremony on this excellent evening. The Chapter looks forward to having him back next year.

Report by: E Comp Rod Green, Chapter of St George IPZ.

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