Connaught Lodge Install Craig as the new Master
Wednesday 17 April saw the Installation of Craig Harding as the Worshipful Master
of Connaught Lodge, in the presence of Stuart Hadler, Past Provincial Grand
Master, representing Raymond Guthrie, the Provincial Grand Master for Somerset, accompanied by Justin Pursey PrADC.

Among the appointment of officers, Chris Brooke was appointed Senior Warden, Chris James as Junior Warden, Chris Bennett as Senior Deacon, Neil Arthur as Director of Ceremonies, and Kevin Chard as Secretary. Immediate Past Master, Alastair Slade was presented with his Past Master’s Jewel along with the Kenneth Kinnersley Jewel.
During the ceremony tributes were paid to Tony Cooper for his extensive service as
Lodge Secretary. Similarly at the Festive Board, Alastair was congratulated on his
year as WM, having done exceptionally well in overcoming his personal restrictions. He in
turn thanked the brethren for their support and assistance, which we had all been pleased to
give him.