Lodge News

Fred Body receives Freedom of the Village

Fred Body has been a member of Badgworth Parish Council (which encompasses Badgworth, Biddisham & Tarnock) for 50 consecutive years.  During his time on the Council, he has been a Councilor, Vice Chair and for the past 10 years, Chairperson of the Council.  At the Annual Parish Meeting on 18th March 2024, he was presented with the “Honorary Freeman Award”.

Not only a stalwart within the Parish, Fred has a long history in Freemasonry, as a member of Alfred & Guthrum Lodge. He was installed as Master in 2005. Following that he served for 16 years as the Director of Ceremonies, and during a similar period he spent 17 years as Charity Steward.  As a “tour de force” he encouraged the members to dig deep and raise lots of money for the Provincial Charity Festivals, as well as running many events within the Lodge itself, to raise money for local charities. Following his tireless service during the 2020 Festival he was made up to Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

The Freedom of Biddisham bestowed upon Worshipful Brother Fred Body is not merely a ceremonial gesture but a heartfelt acknowledgment of a lifetime dedicated to service. It is a recognition of his tireless efforts to uphold the values of brotherhood, charity, and civic duty, enriching the lives of countless individuals in Biddisham and beyond.

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