Somerset Mind Donation at Wincanton
The Lodge of Science, which meets in Wincanton, recently welcomed Somerset Mind, to give a presentation to the members & visitors. Some 30 brethren were in attendance to receive a wonderful talk and learn about the work Somerset Mind do & the services they offer to those in need. With Mental Health being a wide-reaching topic & more talked about now than ever before, it was interesting to learn about this wonderful charity. The presentation was extremely well received by those present, with a huge round of applause to show their appreciation at the end.
W Bro Jonny Reach, Charity Steward of the Lodge, thanked Alison Baker (Corporate Partnership Co-ordinator / Crisis Safe Space Worker / Trainer) for her excellent presentation & made a donation of £1,500 to Somerset Mind. Alison Baker thanked the Lodge for their generous donation and commented on how pleased she was to have visited a Lodge for the very first time!
The Brethren then headed downstairs to enjoy a lively & friendly festive board, as is standard at Lodge of Science.
Should any Lodge or Chapter wish to arrange a presentation, please contact Alison Baker directly –