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Bath Freemasons Engaging with the Community

One of the three pillars in the Membership Challenge is to become “Engaged in our Community”.  As part of this engagement, Bath’s Masonic Hall runs regular guided tours of its historic building.

It is a unique building, starting out, as a theatre, becoming a Roman Catholic chapel, and finally as the Masonic centre for the City of Bath.

In addition to relating the history of the building, the guides try to explain what Freemasonry is, what it stands for, what it does, and its social and charitable activities; but above all, the tours strive to dispel the myths surrounding the organisation:

In addition to tour guiding being good for engaging with the community, it is beneficial for the guides themselves.  Providing the opportunity for speaking in front of an audience, a necessary skill for Freemasons.  It also encourages the guide to think about what Freemasonry is, and what it means to the individual. 

Tours organiser and guide, Vincent Baughan expands, “these are thoughts that Brethren are rarely forced to articulate, and it certainly helped me to firm up my ideas about the Craft and the principles it represents.”

To illustrate the tours’ community engagement effect, there was a recent private group tour for a party of carers from the Bath Carers’ Centre:

Here are some quotes from the carers who were in the tour:

“The tour was fascinating and it was lovely to be with other equally interested carers”

“I really enjoyed the chance to get out of the house and learn new aspects of Bath’s history”

“The guide was very helpful and answered all of our questions with enthusiasm”

Vincent said, “it was very rewarding to be able to provide a diversion for people who provide a vital service for their loved ones, often in difficult circumstances”.

If you are interested in becoming a tour guide for The Old Theatre Royal (aka. Bath’s Masonic Hall) please e-mail: enquiries@oldtheatreroyal.com

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