A threesome at Prudence and Industry!

Recently one of the APGM’s Tony Guthrie and Barrie Palmer the Provincial Membership Officer attended Prudence and Industry in Chard to witness a triple initiation, which was brilliantly performed by all and the 3 guys are already a band of brothers. They also actually balloted for 9 new candidates!
Photos were taken with the new members, including Tony and Barrie, but when Tony asked if they were all ok to have the photo on the website, one of the newer members works in the security industry and was not able to do so,
However, another triple is happening there on 27th March, so photos will follow of the 5 new members as well as two more from a previous meeting, 7 in total. It’s all go at Prudence and Industry!
If you would like to see a Triple in action please contact the secretary Paul Brice-Bullows by email, paulbricebullows@gmail.com