Lodge NewsNews

Two Recent Initiations for Somerset Farmers

Somerset Farmers Lodge have recently initiated two new members, one in January – Peter Youe and one in February – Edward Keirle. They were initiated in fine form by the Master Ken Crang. Peter was proposed by Nick Male and seconded by Ken Crang and Edward was proposed by Nick Male and seconded by Barry Horsgood. This now brings the total number of initiates in the Somerset Farmers Lodge in this last year to three. The highest number they have had for four years. A great achievement, as the last two initiates were from an open day held at the Lodge.

The  Somerset Farmers Lodge are holding a Donation Presentation Evening on 18th March 2024 where they will be giving donations to 6 different charities ranging from £100.00 to £2,200.00 totalling £5,350.00.

In the photo from left to right is W Bro. Nick Male Chaplain and Charity Steward, W Bro. David Hutchins Senior Warden, Bro. Edward Keirle ( Initiated in February) Bro. Peter Youe (Initiated in January) The Master Ken Crang and Bro Barry Horsgood Junior Warden.

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