Progressive Science Make a Presentation to Yeovil Cancer Appeal
As the Brethren of Progressive Science, who meet in the Yeovil Masonic Centre assembled for their March meeting, a Cheque presentation took place for £2000 to Mrs Amy Phelps of The Yeovil District Hospital Breast Cancer Appeal. The Money had been raised by the Immediate Past Master W. Bro Stephen (Jack) Frost and the Brethren of Progressive Science, ably assisted by his good lady wife Pat. Jack’s year had seen the Brethren enjoying a Quiz Night, a BBQ for over a hundred, as well as a Ladies Night. This good charitable cause, is close to the Brethren’s hearts, as the wife of W. Bro Ron Garrett; Mrs Cynthia Garrett is receiving treatment at the moment.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and members of the Provincial Team were on hand to assist with the presentation. The Provincial Team were also there for the Membership Challenge. Mrs Amy Phelps also received from Ben Batley, the customary Somerset Provincial Grand Lodge plaque to display, showing support from Somerset Freemasons.

Left to right: DPGM Ben Batley, Chris Crump – Prov Asst Charity Steward, Graham Puddy – Prov Charity Steward, Jack Frost, Mrs Pat Frost, Mrs Cynthia Garrett, Mrs Amy Phelps