First Ceremony for the New Master at Brotherly Love
The Lodge of Brotherly Love held an initiation at the Masonic Hall in Yeovil under the command of the newly installed Master Carl Caswell.
In the presence of nearly 50 brothers of various ranks from various visiting lodges, Mr John Thompson was initiated into Freemasonry. During the ceremony Alex Locke, one of lodge’s entered apprentices, debuted by presenting the working tools of Freemasons for the newly initiated brother to a very high standard.
The Master of Parrett & Axe Lodge Neil Braginton and visiting Brethren from the Lodge presented the Travelling Trowel to the Master and Brethren of the Lodge of Brotherly Love. The Travelling Trowell encourages Somerset Lodges to do more visiting and then the receiving Lodge takes the trowel to another Lodge in Somerset afterwards.
After the ceremony the Brethren joined a fine festive board with a little sweet “Thank you for visiting” treat in the form of a personalised Masonic biscuit for everyone.