Gordano Celebrate Burns Night and Pass Bro Flynn
Gordano Lodge held a wonderful Burns Night Supper and second degree ceremony at their January meeting for Brother Jamie Flynn. The ceremony was conducted in front of a well supported meeting with visitors from many provinces, some traveling from Cornwall and Yorkshire.
The WM W.Bro Paul Hinkley, conducted the evening in excellent way and every lodge officer followed our WMs example and produced a wonderful ceremony enjoyed by all.
After the meeting had ended we retired for the festive board which was a Burns Supper the haggis was piped in, oh what a glorious sight and sound, the address to the haggis was done in true Scottish tradition with everyone taking a wee dram of single malt whisky to toast the haggis.
The Festive Board was quite simply fantastic, haggis Neaps and Tatties to start with braised sirloin of beef as a main and a whiskey trifle to finish with tea, coffee and mints,
The toasts and speeches were inspiring, all guests and members enjoying each others company, where else but in Freemasonry would you see men from all walks of life just happy to be together.
We raised much needed funds for local charities with our raffle.
Happy have we met, Happy do we part, Happy to meet again.