The Provincial Team do it again!
Thirty one members of the Provincial Team, including both APGMS, Richard Winter and Tony Guthrie and led by the PGM Ray Guthrie, took the journey across Somerset to visit Rural Philanthropic Lodge (RPL 291) in Burnham on Sea. The purpose of the visit was to Raise Warren Beavis.
The January meeting is usually when the Past-Masters of the Lodge conduct the meeting, however as the current PrJGW is a member of RPL, it was decided that the Provincial Team should conduct the meeting instead (much to the relief of the Past Masters of RPL).

Ray took the chair then immediately passed the gavel over to Richard Winter to conduct the ceremony, who did it in his usual excellent way, assisted by a great many members of the team. Warren the candidate was superb, word perfect when answering the questions and was excellent when being taken around the room.
At the conclusion of the ceremony Ray rose to thank the members of Rural Philanthropic for allowing them to conduct the meeting and went on to thank the team saying it was an excellent ceremony, with good humour and Serious when needed – “what more do you need in Freemasonry?!” was his final comment.

With 66 staying to dine it was a very snug but excellent atmosphere as ever at Burnham on Sea. Will Human the WM of 291, thanked the team for their efforts and Ray responded saying what a great night they had all had. PrGDC Garry Sharp also said he was very pleased with the team’s performance. Warren said it was the best nigh he had had as a Mason and was “blown away” by the evening.
The next meeting at Burnham is on the 2nd February when Mike David will be installed as the new Master.
Thanks to Les Pickersgill Provincial Photographer for taking the Photos.