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Masons Extend Support for Local Community Group

Nailsea Community Group (CIC) set up in March 2020 in response to the COVID crisis has evolved from a COVID-response team to an important Community Group helping residents of Nailsea during these difficult times.

To support this group Nailsea Masons recently took up the Provincial “Carry The Can” initiative and made a donation of food to the group, this has been extended with another donation of food items identified by the group as items they would like to include in Christmas Hampers for those most in need.

W Bro Phil Lewis of Wraxall Lodge and W Bro Chris Perry of Estune Lodge made a surprise visit to the groups outlet in Nailsea Precinct on December 20th where they were warmly received by the staff who were very grateful for the items.

W Bro Perry was also able to inform them that Estune Lodge who gave them £250 in November would be making a further donation of £250 raised at their December meeting. Nailsea Masonic Hall will continue to have a collection bin located in their entrance hall to allow anyone visiting the building to make a food donation which will be passed on to the group at regular intervals.

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