Farmers Night At The Lodge of Agriculture
Twas the Night of the 18th December, Farmers Night at the Lodge of Agriculture no 1199 meeting in Yatton. What an evening we had last night – as is tradition Bro Brendan Gammon was Initiated by W.Bro David Wyatt, himself an active Farmer, also in attendance was W.Bro Richard Winter APGM and also a farmer. Great ritual and a first class ceremony, in particular a superb charge delivered by Bro Mark Harding, and an excellent rendition of the working tools by David Robbins, which was his first piece of ritual.
The festive board was well attended by 87 brethren from across the province including Devon and the Netherlands. The night raised £2300 for the proposed charity of ‘Uncle Pauls Chilli Charity’ .
The festive board was prepared and supplied generously by the Farmers of the lodge, and the atmosphere and the evening were one to be remembered for many a year.
Merry Christmas one and all !