The Lodge of Brotherly Love invited their friends, relatives and Brethren from other Lodges to the White Table Night held at Yeovil Masonic Hall. The evening was led by the Stoke-sub-Hamdon band.
Nearly a 100 people spent a wonderful evening together sharing the Christmas joy, singing Carols, sharing their memories from 2023 and introducing Freemasonry and Lodge of Brotherly Love to visitors and visiting Brothers. Visitors were invited to visit the Temple, where Martin Emslie introduced the history of Freemasonry in general and in Yeovil in particular.
During the evening a raffle was run to raise funds which will be used to support local charities.
The Lodge Master Graham Beckinsale thanked his Wardens, Officers and Brethren of the Lodge for all their help and support running the Lodge in 2023, as well as thanking the caterers for their wonderful service and tasty meals during the after meeting festive boards.