A Masterful Installation

At the October meeting of the Vivary Lodge 8654, held at the Taunton home for Freemasons we
welcomed an excellent brother to the chair of King Solomon, Worshipful Bro. Mike Marshall in a text
book ceremony.
W. Bro. Mike Marshall is a well-respected and highly regarded brother of the lodge and the care and
custody of the lodge could not be in better hands as he guides us through the next year of the craft.
We were further honoured to have in attendance RW Bro. Raymond Guthrie, Provincial Grand
Master and W Bro. Richard Winter, Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
Any brother wishing to come and visit the Vivary Lodge 8654 will be made welcome, we meet on the
Third Friday of the month and you can email our secretary secretary8654@gmail.com to book in for
dining or just to come and watch an outstanding brother in action.