A Double Third for the Lodge of St George (No.3158)

“At the Taunton Masonic Hall, the Lodge of St George on 4 December under the leadership of their Worshipful Master W Bro Neal Hansley, the lodge officers raised Bros Tim Ayres and Jason Blake in a spectacular double third degree ceremony under the watchful eye of the Provincial Grand Master Very Worshipful Ray Guthrie, who also presented a grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Mark Kitchener.

Neal, a past master in the Commonwealth War Graves lodge in London, was familiar with the format for a double ceremony, and with suitable modifications to suit the St George workings, the ceremony was enjoyed by the full temple of nearly 50 present, and in particular the candidates who conducted themselves in a fine and dignified manner.
St George are looking forward to a full programme of ceremonies in 2024 with the added participation of their two new master masons.”