Garry takes the Chair at Somersetshire Lodge
Despite travel difficulties caused by the trains and London traffic, Garry Sharp our very own Provincial Director of Ceremonies took the Chair at Somersetshire Lodge on Wednesday 6th December.

Garry was installed excellently by Andy Baird the Provincial Communications Officer with several of the current and recent members of the Somerset Provincial team in attendance, including Tony Guthrie, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master who is the Lodge DC – so he and Garry discussing the correct way to conduct the ceremony could be called the Clash of the Titans!
The current Provincial Junior Warden was also attending as he has recently joined the Lodge, and in the usual manner of Somersetshire Lodge, he was put to work as the IPM for the first part of the meeting and the Junior Warden for the second part, but apparently he loves it!
As you would expect with so many members the current team present, the ceremony was superb, despite the new Master being submersive! The meeting was followed by the ever sumptuous food provided by Mark Masons Hall.
Somersetshire Lodge meets at Mark Masons Hall in London but has very strong ties with the Province of Somerset, there uis always an annual visit by the years active team to conduct a ceremony in March of that year. Anybody interested in joining should contact the Lodge secretary Gerry Chilcott at