Lodge News

Unanimity and Sincerity unite with Somerset Military Lodge to conduct a Passing.

At their meeting on the 15th November Unanimity and Sincerity used their name in full to help out the Somerset Military Lodge (SML) by Passing Paul Vokes, who is on active duty at RNAS Yeovilton, to the second degree. Somerset Military Lodge are a Peripetatic Lodge meeting in Halls around the province, with their Installation always at Bridgwater. As they have been a very popular Lodge, they have had so many new applicants that they have asked other Lodges to conduct meetings for them.

As it was a past Masters meeting Guy Adams took the Chair masterfully, with the help of members of SML including Matt Williams the current Master of SML.

Paul with Guy Adams, members of the provincial team and SML

Paul was an excellent candidate, answering the questions extremely well.

The evening was rounded off with the usual fine food at Taunton combined with the convivial and friendly atmosphere at Unanimity & Sincerity.

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