Savage Ritual on Display at Chapter of Fidelity and Sincerity
The meeting was opened by EComp Chris Waterhouse, acting MEZ and he welcomed EComp Martin Slocombe, 2nd Provincial Grand Principal and visiting Principals. He then inducted EComp Chris Summers as MEZ which was completed in a very rapid way! Other Officers who were unable to attend the Installation in Sept were then appointed.
MEZ then announced the next item which was to run through “Savage Ritual” and gave the explanations why this ritual was being promoted by Supreme Grand Chapter and the Province as well. For this purpose, several members of the Provincial Team had volunteered to assist in this read through, along with Chapter Officers. This went very well and some questions were taken from members and visitors which seemed to be positive with adopting this new ritual.
After the Risings the Chapter was closed and the companions retired for the Festive Board.
E Comp Martin Slocombe presents a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp Richard Wilson
The 3 Principals: Duncan Sully Dunbar (H) Chris Summers (MEZ) and Alan Clayton (J)