Emergency Services Lodge donate £700 to SAVES
On Sunday 19th November, Graeme Clark, the Immediate Past Master of Emergency Services Lodge (who meet in Taunton) was able to meet Dr James Sedan, one of the volunteer Doctors of the Somerset Accident Voluntary Emergency Services (SAVES) and present him with a cheque for £700.

The money was raised principally from a very successful Music Night organised by Barrie Jacques back in February, whilst Graeme was still in the chair; 76 members including wives, partners and friends enjoyed a buffet and an evening of entertainment including first class music and dancing. In fact it went down so well that a big and better event is being organised for the future.
Barrie’s day job is part of an Ambulance crew as an Emergency Care Assistant, working specifically with the Ambulance GP’s, so he is daily contact, working alongside the SAVES team providing Status Post Emergency Urgent Care (SPEUC) in critical life threatening situations.
Dr James was very grateful to receive the cheque, saying the money will go towards the purchase of another much needed Zoll-X monitor, a vital piece of equipment, which gives all responders the best life-saving equipment available.
Should you wish to know more about their vital work and wish to support SAVE with a donation, please click here to visit their website, or contact Barrie or Andy Newland, a trustee of SAVES, also a member of Emergency Services Lodge.