A Long Time Passing at Portcullis
Portcullis Lodge received two joining members at their November meeting, one being Chris Court (adding to the long list of Lodges he is/has been a member of) and the other being Steve Loverage, Steve was initiated into Freemasonry by Armada Lodge in Plymouth, back in May 2005.
However Steve did not progress straight away, until he discovered his long term friend George Small (who is the Director of Ceremonies at Portcullis) was on the square, so of course George invited Steve to the so called “World Famous” Hanging Chapel in Langport. Steve received the usual warm welcome from Portcullis which persuaded him to join, due to good fortune, they were able to conduct the Passing Ceremony in November!

The race was on for the secretary, Ian Moore (also Acting Prov Junior Grand deacon) to provide the paperwork in time for the meeting! With hours to spare it was all signed off and the ceremony was conduced to the usual high standard.
In a not so rushed manner, the Lodge was kind enough to donate £200 to sponsor Mike Norton, who is running the London Marathon in April, to raise funds for the Osteoporosis Society, his funding page can be found here, should you wish to contribute.
Everyone then retired to dine in the local Hotel, with the usual good humour and camaraderie. One of the guests was so moved to write a thank you letter, following the meeting.