John de Clivedon Lodge Donate £7000 to Several Charities’
John de Clivedon Lodge 7824 has been clearing out its Benevolent Fund , postal donations to Cancer Research U.K., Parkinsons U.K., Alzheimer’s Research U.K. and Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital totaled £7000, whilst personal delivery of donations were made to Jessie May (Children’s Hospice at Home) £2000 and Springboard Opportunity Group £2000, these charities are based at Bristol and Clevedon respectively.
The local charities were extremely grateful for the donations and I have attached a photograph of each presentation.

Jessie May presented by Bro. Keith Palmer (Charity Steward J. de C.), supported by Bro. David Southway (member J. de C.), presented to Charlotte Bugler (Community Engagement Fundraising Officer), supported by other clerical staff. Jessie May staff continue to work towards their vision of ensuring that every local family with a terminally ill child has the level of specialist care and support they need at home.
Springboard Opportunity Group presented by Bro.Keith Palmer(Charity Steward J. de C.), supported by W Bros. John Merritt and Geoffrey Seaman (both Trustees of J,de C. Benevolent Fund), presented to Ruth Glover (C. E. O.) supported by Nikky Tams, Liz Smith and Jackie Perks-Burt. Springboard Opportunity Group strives to give the best possible start in life to children under 5 with additional needs and disabilities