Excellent Companion Tim Gosling Takes the Chair
On the 25th of October the Adair Chapter held their installation meeting in Clevedon which was honoured by the attendance by the 3rd Provencal Grand Principal David Maddern, together with a number of other Provincial Officers including Neil Hurcum, The Deputy Grand Superintendent, Steven Wilson (ProvDepGDC), Angus Ross (ProvADC) and Roger Karn (ProvAlmoner).
The chapter was also honoured on this occasion by numerous members of the Wrington Vale Chapter, led by their 1st Principal Ray Beckenham, who presented the Somerset Sceptre to the outgoing Adair 1st Principal Glynn Derrick.
Glynn then went on to induct his replacement, Excellent Companion Tim Gosling, into the chair of ‘Z’, in the process of which the Somerset Sceptre was passed over for his use until such time as the Adair Chapter passes it on to The Inkerman Chapter on the 27th of November in Weston Super Mare.
Tim then went on to induct EComps Peter Murray as ‘H’ and Howard Ford as J, after which their excellencies installed their officers. The addresses to the Principals were given by The 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, to the Officers of the Chapter by Darrell Hinder (Adair DC) and to the companions by Marshal Westly (who was kindly standing in as organist).
The last act of the evening was again carried out by the 3rd Grand Principal, who this time presented a Grand Chapter Certificate to Companion Alistair Lindsay.
The festive board afterward, downstairs in the Poets Suite, was well supported and greatly enjoyed by all, passing in that spirit of companionship which one expects from Royal Arch Chapters everywhere.